
From The Elysium'verse Wiki

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The Official Chronological Timeline of the Elysium'verse

This page is a concise and abridged bulletpoint list of every major event of the Elysium'verse RP world canon, which began "OoC/out-of-universe" in the year 2009 and has continued to this day. Each event on this list is linked to its appropriate section found on relevant character's pages, for more detailed information about every event.

✧ Don't think too hard about the actual canonical, "In-Universe" year any events are taking place within; as canonically we had played through a "five-year-jump" ahead and so our timeline doesn't quite match up in one direction or another to the modern day? Real-time years are included here just for some sort of frame of reference.

And so, without further ado... please proceed to scroll this very, very long list.

The early events

This section features step by step: Maci and Tory's relationship history, through the acts of villainy of Thanatos, Melinoe, and Hades, all the way up to their marriage; the entrance/introduction of several characters into the Elysium'verse, including some specific main characters (Hypnos and Pasi, Jesse, Laphi, Eury, Epi); concluding with the forcible reset of OrigiMel-Melinoe into Meli.

Content warnings: mentions of abuse, violence, rape, murder

  • Maci and Tory become codependent best friends (platonically - promise), and they begin to spend every minute together all the time. Eventually for funsies, Maci takes Tory to her home in the Underworld for the first time, where -
  • Tory and Maci accidentally run into Hypnos, but also Thanatos, villain extraordinaire - very awkward, and Thanatos is such a dick during this run-in, but Tory has no idea about Maci and Thanatos' full history. Thanatos sweetly promises not to rat them out to Maci's dad Hades.
  • After that whole extremely weird encounter ends, at the Phlegethon River Tory realizes for the first time that he's in love with Maci. Thinking she's way out of his league, Tory decides to keep it a secret from her. Maci is also completely in love with him by this point, but hasn't clued into her own emotions yet, let alone Tory's.
  • Unbeknownst to Maci and Tory, on his end Thanatos says nothing to Hades but beelines straight to Melinoe (her OrigiMel incarnation, AKA other villain extraordinare) and rats them out to her. OrigiMel devises a scheme to make Maci's life miserable, using Tory as a pawn.
  • Thanatos, at OrigiMel's direction, attacks Tory with glee. He tells Tory during the assault that this attack comes by order of Hades, "to keep Tory away from his daughter." This is a complete lie but Tory has no idea, and hides the event from Maci, lying by omission to her about how he received his injuries.
  • Reluctantly, Tory distances himself discreetly from Maci for her own protection, fearing her father could retaliate against her, though they continue to regularly talk by phone.
  • Tory is physically and sexually assaulted by this phantom wearing Seph's face. Though it vanishes after the attack, it leaves Tory half-dead and believing Maci's own mother had attacked him. Afraid of upsetting Maci by exposing the crimes of her parents to her, Tory instead calls his mortal friend Jesse for help.
  • After several days of Tory in bad shape refusing to talk to anyone, Jesse steals Tory’s phone to track down Maci, the only other friend he knew Tory had. Jesse tells her something horrible had happened and that he’s worried about Tory; concerned, Maci promptly teleports over just as Tory realizes who Jesse was talking to -
  • - and she arrives just in time for the tail-end of Tory's panicked rage, accidentally overhearing him reveal exactly what "Hades" and "Persephone" had done. The world stops. Everyone collapses. Tory breaks down and leaves, but Maci follows.
  • Tory tearfully confesses that he's in love with Maci, after she tearfully asks him why he hadn't told her who had hurt him. Tory's confession causes it to finally, finally click for Maci that she loves him, too and always has.
  • Tory doesn't believe her when she says it - Not until they share their first kiss.
  • Maci and Tory officially become a couple.
  • Furious at the (alleged) actions of her parents, Maci refuses to return to the Underworld, dropping off the grid by staying at Tory's side in the mortal world for the next few months.
  • Eventually, Maci realizes she's homesick despite it all. She and Tory together sneak into the main palace of the Underworld, hiding in her bedroom to avoid running into the King or Queen.
  • Seph, the real one, innocently finds them anyway. She's shocked and confused at the eruptions of rage from Maci and Tory together, having literally no idea what they're accusing her of. Seph hears her alleged crime and swears a Styx oath that she had nothing to do with it.
  • Blindsided by Seph's innocence, the partially healed wound re-opens. Maci, Tory, and Seph together try to figure out who actually could have done it, retracing through the scene step by step. They realize OrigiMel-Melinoe was behind the attack.
  • Seph leaves to hunt OrigiMel down.
  • Shaken, Maci and Tory move to the first time to the Elysium palace for safety - and they never, ever leave. 💖
  • Finally eventually! Seph does find OrigiMel and hauls her off to Tartartus, telling Hades she'd attacked a "random mortal" and framed her for it.
  • Thanatos innocently mentions to Hades that he'd seen Maci with that very random mortal long ago... huh, so weird.
  • Hades summons Maci to ask her more about it. Maci goes ballistic, accusing Hades of playing dumb in front of everyone, yelling at him that course they both knew Hades had sent Thanatos after Tory months ago just because he hated the thought of Maci dating a mortal.
  • RECORD SCRATCH “—You're WHAT?!” Oops! Maci realizes Thanatos is, as always, a fucking liar. The good news: Thanatos had never told Hades about Tory. The bad news: that meant Thanatos was after him himself; the worse news? Hades knew about Tory now. Hades... does not react well.
  • Filling Tory in on the catastrophic turn of events, Maci finally has to tell him the full story about her past with Thanatos. The reality of Tory's mortality finally dawns on Maci and begins to haunt her.
  • Maci asks Tory to think about choosing to become a god for her, maybe even marrying her. The answer is obviously duh yes; Tory returns topside to tie up some loose ends.
  • While Tory is topside, Hades finally finds Tory, drags him to hell and tries to kill him. Maci calls Seph first, gives up and goes after Hades herself - Seph interrupts and does save the day! Tory formally asks/agrees to marry Maci (literally with Hades and Seph arguing in the background).
  • Maci and Tory proceed to have THE MOST OBNOXIOUS, BIGGEST EVER WEDDING - and Tory becomes a god! - OoC - circa. 2010
    • Also, this marks an informal “end” to the Taci saga; everything else following from here on out starts to become events around Maci and Tory, as our cast grows.
  • Thanatos, sore loser, fumes that OrigiMel's plans all failed and Tory is now immortal, of all things. He goes after Maci to target and fuck with Tory, and attacks her badly, leaving her in a three day coma.
  • Now a deity himself, Tory goes after Thanatos and finally beats the absolute shit out of him, including snapping his spine and limbs - retaliation for all that Thanatos has ever done. This act of revenge triggers Tory's rise to power as the God of Grudges & Blood Feuds. Maci gets her injuries supernaturally healed and adds the event to her endless compartmentalized backlog of un-dealt-with trauma.
  • OrigiMel walks straight out of Tartarus once she hears what Tory had done to Thanatos. She ascends to the mortal world and kills 1,001 mortals in a single night bloodbath, murdering each in the exact method of injury Tory had done to Thanatos. The very last mortal is Tory's own mother, killed directly in front of him.
  • Tory goes after OrigiMel. In a fit of rage and grief, he retaliates against her by physically tearing her heart out of her chest and leaving her imprisoned in a cage over the Phelegethon.
  • Maci and Epi locate and retrieve OrigiMel, erasing her memory to release her collection of shades and free the soul of Tory's mother. OrigiMel reverts to blank slate Melinoe.
  • Epi takes Melinoe home with him as his and Eury's adopted daughter in a split second decision at the banks of the Phelegethon.
  • Thanatos is forced into swearing a Styx oath to leave the palace alone in exchange for his injuries being healed.
  • The blank slate Melinoe under Eury and Epi's care is overtaken at last by her good half. Melinoe officially becomes Meli, embracing Eury and Epi as her parents.

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The baby boom era

This section features step by step: the birth of Maci and Tory's first child Neo, as well as Jesse and Laphi's first child Lenore; the discovery of Thanatos' child, Chal, leading to Neo's kidnapping and Thanatos' arrest; the death of Eury and Epi's first child Melanie followed by the birth of Ty & Bel; concluding with Loki's Elysium introduction.

Content warnings: mentions of violence, murder, child death

  • Baby fever sparked by the quads plus watching Eury and Epi with Meli inspire Tory and Maci to try for a baby.
  • Laphi moves into the palace and begins formally dating Jesse.
  • Maci is pregnant with Neo. She, Tory, and company discover Neo is Fated to be the future Goddess of Death due to the awful side effects involved with that, particularly Maci falling into death-like unconsciousness every single time baby Neo is awake in-utero.
  • As part of baby-proofing the palace for the impending death godling, Jesse is immortalized into a god.
  • In the meantime now that Thanatos has been rendered harmless (they think), past victims Sophie, Amey, and Hess are found and healed. Through Lethe, each chooses to erase their memories of their time with Thanatos.
  • Neo is born! - OoC - circa. 2011
  • Laphi (accidentally?) gets Jesse pregnant with Lenore.
  • Thanatos snaps and really goes off the deep end once he learns that Maci and Tory's daughter is set to replace him. He talks Ker into having a child with him and secretly, Chal is born. They immediately artificially age him up to 11 years old and begin to train Chal as a puppet in acts of villainy.
  • With uncontrollable smug glee over his new secret weapon, Thanatos gloats to Hypnos about the existence of Chal. During this meeting he injures and threatens to further harm his son Icy (age 2 at the time) if Hypnos tells anyone that Chal exists. In desperation, after Thanatos leaves, Hypnos secretly curses Chal with eternal insomnia to try to do something to help offset the ticking timebomb.
  • Meanwhile, obliviously, baby fever continues to spread and now reaches Eury and Epi, looking to expand their little family, too. Epi soon becomes pregnant with Melanie.
  • Thanatos smugly introduces Chal to Nyx, used to his mother inexplicably taking his side in every conflict no matter how egregious, and becoming sloppy as he slips further into cocky madness. But this time after Thanatos leaves, Nyx calls Maci and Tory, and everyone finds out about Chal's existence in this way.
  • Everyone is ALARMED. With Epi weakened by pregnancy, Maci and Tory insist that he move his family into Elysium. Maci fiddles with the Elysium barrier to get Epi in, and he, Eury and Meli move temporarily into the palace for safety.
  • Bracing this whole time for whatever Thanatos is planning with Chal, instead everyone is surprised when Thanatos resurfaces to attack Lethe as an act of revenge for assisting his former three victims. Arguing that this is a violation of his Styx oath, Tory and Maci send the Furies after Thanatos.

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