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Hypnos, one of the hundreds of children of Nyx and Erebus, is the God of Sleep, though due to an utter inability to manage his own powers the scope of his realm is specifically restricted to the Underworld and Olympus rather than the mortal world (which is handled by his older brothers, Morpheus and Phantasos). He is unfortunately the twin brother of villain Thanatos and is inexorably linked to him, having spent most of his life under his thumb and scythe.
Gently ditzy and narcoleptic with a “golden retriever” vibe, Hypnos was Maci's childhood best friend, briefly her former lover (it's complicated), then back to current best friend all way through the modern day.
Hypnos has blond hair, a light, bright blue skin tone, nearly turquoise, with bright blue eyes ringed with shadowed sleepy circles. His physical appearance is that of a young man in his mid to late twenties despite being over 2,000 years old. Broad-shouldered with a pair of large, white-feathered wings sprouting at will from his back, Hypnos stands at 6'1" when he is awake (which isn't often.)
His angular face, high cheekbones, and sharp nose is nearly identical in feature to Thanatos, his twin brother, though they have nothing alike in terms of color scheme. Like his brother, Hypnos wears his hair long, well past his shoulders, but Hypnos' hair is soft and gently wavy, neat even with locks cascading across his face. These days, Hypnos dresses in comfortable robes and chitons all in shades of dark blue, gray-ish blue or blue-ish gray - born and raised in the gothic Underworld, Hypnos had started in all-black all the time before meeting his Olympian wife Pasithea, who transitioned color schemes from the other direction to incorporate more grays and blacks in her turquoise outfits while Hypnos met her halfway.
Hypnos does not have a standard chiton pin emblem, traditionally enclosing his drapery with discs of silver or gold.