Category:Accessory characters
From The Elysium'verse Wiki
This page is a list of “accessory characters” in the Elysium'verse. What are accessory characters?
There are main characters, minor characters, and then these: characters within the Elysium'verse who literally only exist for convenient plot purposes. Need to call a doctor? Good thing the Olympian God of Medicine can make a cameo. Is someone having a baby? Better call the Goddess of Childbirth to act as a midwife. Does one of our characters need a quick therapy session? Fortunately there's literally a therapy goddess who does home visits! Et cetera and so on.
Accessory characters do not belong to anyone and are interchangeably handled/passed back and forth between RP handlers depending on who needs them for what; they're not intended to feature in their own plots and development. The characters included in this index have never really been formally designed and drawn and likely won't ever be.
For a list of major and minor actual characters in the Elysium'verse, please see, respectively: Category:Main characters and Category:Minor characters.