
From The Elysium'verse Wiki

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Pyralis, along with his identical twin brother Celos, is the current youngest of all Maci and Tory's children in the Elysium'verse. He's very baby in present day canon and, other than his weasel-daemon shapeshifting abilities, little is known about his future at this time so far...

Pyralis' parents and siblings have taken to calling him Py for short.


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Pyralis is currently a toddler. His skin-tone is a coral type reddish pink, and he has blonde curly corkscrew hair (inherited from dad Tory, whose natural hair is curly when he's not straightening it). He and Celos are Maci's first blonde children! Pyralis has maroon eyes, pointed ears, fangs and a tail. His fingernails and toenails are naturally blackened in color, though they are not claws unless he's in his daemon form.

Pyralis is indeed a daemon from Tory's side, and, like all daemons, bears strong resemblance to a specific animal when shifted. In their daemon forms, Pyralis and Celos resemble weasels, with an elongated snake-like body, paws, and a pointed snout. His black nails sharpen to little razor claws.

Because Pyralis and Celos are completely identical, Celos is fitted with a little gold bracelet that Pyralis does not wear. This is the only way to differentiate them, as they act similar too.

File:Weasel babies.png
The daemon form of the twins - Pyralis (left), unshifted and Celos (right), as a daemon. The powers of the twins dictate that only one of them is able to inhabit their daemon shape at a time.

Powers & abilities

On account of being a toddler at this moment in canon, Pyralis lacks the powers that any mature god grows into, only possessing standard unconditional immortality. Presently, Pyralis' one unique power, shared with that of his twin, is tied to his daemonic species. Many of the Underworld's daemons are able to shapeshift back and forth from a humanoid form, into a form that is more "animal" in shape. Since before he was born, Pyralis has been able to shift back and forth between his weaselly daemon form and back. However, this ability is tied to his brother, Celos - Celos possesses the ability to shift in the same way, however only one twin has mastered shifting to daemon form at a time. If Py is shifted, Celos must be in humanoid shape, and they can "trade" when Celos wishes to shift himself. Both twins can exist in their humanoid shapes with no problem.

Like most of Tory's children and all of Maci's, Pyralis is fireproof, and will probably develop some type of pyrokinetic ability later in life.


Much of Pyralis' personality is yet undiscovered, since again, in current canon Py is still very baby. However, even as a newborn, Py has been a happy and bubbly child, along with his brother. In toddlerhood, Pyralis has a lot of hyperactive energy - a daemon trait, maybe, but moreso a trait inherited likely from his hyperactive ultra-bubbly mom, Maci. Often, Py is thrilled to spend all of his time running around, trying to climb on or up things, play-wrestling and play-fighting with Celos, and delightedly shrieking at the top of his lungs.

For double the fun, Celos acts the exact same way. Despite desperately searching, Tory and Maci have yet to find any sort of "off button" for the twins.

Canon events

Conception & birth



Mythological roots

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