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*While everyone's guard is down, chaos goddess Eris ambushes Epi and Eury's household for shits and giggles, though also irked that her pal Thanatos had been arrested. She physically separates Meli's internal two beings into separate bodies for the first time - "eMel," the evil entity, and "gMel," the good one.
*Immediately, eMel turns on Epi and kidnaps him, as his pregnancy is still affecting and weakening his powers. She and Eris together stash him in the Pit[[Cronus of Kronospit]] while Eury and gMel flee back to the Elysium palace.
*Tory, Maci and company search for Epi. [[Alena]], Epi's long-time best friend, makes her first appearance in canon.
*While the palace searches for Epi, eMel terrorizes him. InShe atears gruesome scene, she tearsthe unborn Melanie from Epi's womb and murders her, as she had tragically not yet developed her divine immortality. When Melanie dies, eMel uses her powers as Goddess of Ghosts to physically rip apart her shade into scattered fragments, leaving almost nothing left of her.
*eMel resumes her old hobbies of terror as Epi suffers, like murdering mortals again in the upper world, even briefly meeting loose supervillain disaster Chal. Eris starts trying to brainwash Epi using stolen Lethe River water into reverting to his full daemon form, to use him as a weapon against the palace.
*With Epi still missing, Tory, Jesse, Eury, the rest of the palace, begin experiencing vivid dreams and nightmares. They realize this is Epi trying to contact them through his realm and soon realize where they've been keeping him -
* - but eMel discovers that Epi's been reaching out and moves them to a secondary location before the palace can catch up. Maci and Tory arrive at theCronus' Pit of Kronospit. They don't find Epi. They do find Melanie's remains.
*Maci and Tory return Melanie's ashes to Eury.
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*In an ambush set-up, Epi is finally located - but by this time his memory has been mostly erased by eMel and Eris, making him uncontrollably dangerous while trapped in his daemon form. As Tory and Alena fight and subdue him, gMel appears and defeats her other half, reabsorbing her back together. Epi is taken back to the Elysium palace and healed.
*Blaming herself for the attacks, Meli disappears from the palace. Secretly, butshe also leavingsets out to find the scraps of Melanie's lost shade.
*Epi immediatelydiscover's becomeshe's pregnant again, though this time by accidentunintentionally. Meli returns with Melanie's shade, patched together; Epi allows the new unborn child to absorb Melanie's soul, reincarnating her... unaware that this time around, he's actually carrying twins Ty and Bel. Fearful of the threat of her other self, Meli tries to run away again to protect her unborn sibling(s), but isEpi beggedand backEury beg her to stay - they can't lose another child.
*Meli agrees to stay. Epi, Meli, and Eury move permanently into Elysium.
*During Epi's pregnancy, the palace discovers first that Epi's carrying twins; second, that Ty and Bel are telepathic, discovered on account of the twins poking around snooping ''inside'' everyone's head even from inside Epi's womb.
*Ty and Bel are born! Even as newborns, they are immediately exceed developmental milestones on the metaphysical scale, able to communicate telepathically with their family and the palace while just a few days old.
*Thanatos, from his cell in Tartarus, is filled in by Eris of the drama of the months past, the release and recapture of Melinoe and the trauma inflicted upon Epi. Learning that Epi and Eury now have vulnerable children of their own, and in his slipping insanity deciding that while post-partum, surely Epi is less of a legendary threat to fuck with, Thanatos seeks out a newdifferent previous victim to terrorize - Eury. Eris hacks the Elysium barrier to shut it temporarily off, and break Thanatos out of his cell.
*At Thanatos' orders, Chal reappears from... wherever the hell he'd been, to break into the palace and kidnap Eury to drop at Thanatos' feet. While in the palace, at the guidance of Eris, Chal also manages to slip a poison in Meli's vicinity for the purpose of later chaos. With Eury deposited into his grasp, Thanatos manages to attack him but briefly before Epi shows up, furious that Thanatos would dare harm his mate and challenge him so directly.
*Epi is not any less of a threat post-partum.
*Thanatos is re-imprisoned, much worse for the wear and cursed with nightmares. Chal disappears off the grid again. Epi revisits for good measure., leaving Thanatos cursed with vivid insanity-inducing nightmares.
*Laphi proposes to Jesse, they become engaged.
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*[[Meno]] makes his first canon appearance when summoned for tattoo purposes.
*Meli finally accidentally drinks the lurking poison that Chal had planted -. eMel escapes thetheir physical body ''again'', but when she beelines straight to harm the twins gMel rushes after her and they both vanish. When Meli soon after reappears - reunited together again as one - despite acting the same, this Melinoe is now being secretly puppeted by her evil half. This very temporary version, "MelE" puts on a weepy show of wanting to guard and protect the baby twins from harm especially given Thanatos' recent events.
*And when Melinoe soon after reappears, reunited together again as one... despite acting same as ever, this Melinoe is now being secretly puppeted by her evil half. This very temporary version, "MelE" puts on a weepy show of wanting to guard and protect the baby twins from harm especially given Thanatos' recent events. There is no visible reason not to trust her.
*The second she's left unattended, MelE approaches the twins in their crib with malicious intent... but extremely powerful month-old-mindreaders Ty and Bel ''forcibly yank the correct Meli back into consciousness'', locking the evil half much deeper inside of her. Everyone is uhh, a little taken aback by how easily they managed to do that, but a happy ending is had by all.
*The second she's left unattended, MelE approaches the twins in their crib with malicious intent.. and tries to harm them. butBefore she can, the extremely powerful monthmonths-old-mindreaders Ty and Bel ''forcibly slam her back and yank the correct Meli back into consciousness'', locking the evil half buried much deeper inside of her. Everyone is uhh, a little taken aback by how easily they managed to do that, but overall a happy ending is had by all.
*Alena and Meno start to date.
*Alena and Meno start to date each other on-off.
*Meanwhile... though unbeknownst to most of the the residents of the palace, a commotion begins in the mortal world within one of their cities, as a deity from another realm stages a hostile takeover. Though the event resolves itself topside, it perks on Tory's radar due to the sheer weirdness of it all and the brief influx of shades; though there's always strange things happening in the mortal world, and no one thinks anything else of it.
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