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From The Elysium'verse Wiki

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Well... now, here! What's referred to as The Canon Elysium'verse, our source material, solely exists in the form of thousands and thousands of pages of private script-style RP shenanigans, and so this site will hopefully, FINALLY serve as the singular, comprehensive Published Content for this world.
Beyond this entire insane website, the adventures of the Elysium'verse isare publicly contained within what you see me (hi still April talking, hello hi) posting about - there has been plenty of art generated among the years for each of these characters and many of the events that have taken place. This art can be found across various social media platforms run by meee, these days specifically my personal [ Tumblr], art archive [ Tumblr], and [ Instagram]. In each of these spots, various liveblogging, infodumping, and unhinged rambling can also be found, where I generally talk a lot about our characters and sometimes canon events when/as they happen.
I am always thrilled to go through and answer any in depth lore questions that come up (I am known to ramble ENDLESSLY), as the bulk of the events of the Elysium'verse have existed hovering in my brain for fifteen years before being poured all over this Wiki site, as well as any other social media you may find us on!
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