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From The Elysium'verse Wiki

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<div style='text-align: center;'><big><big><big><big>'''Welcome to the Elysium'verse''' (Wiki)'''!'''</big></big></big></big></div>
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<div style='text-align: center;'><big><big>''The Elysium'verse Wiki currently has [[Special:allPages|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] articles.''</big></big></div>
This is your comprehensive guide to the characters, lore, and events associated with the Elysium'verse OC world! This cute little Wiki is maintained by us, April & Fenixe, the creators of this universe. You're probably here from some collection of art on some form of social media, looking to figure out more about the characters constantly being posted about, so- hi!
Looking for a place to start? Visit our [[:Category:Main characters|list of main characters]], or access [[:Category:Completed pages|all currently completed pages here]] - or press [[Special:random|Random]] for a surprise! The ''entire'' narrative of the Elysium'verse RP world important events, across a span of 15 years to the present, can be found as a convenient bulletpoint list on the [[timeline]] page.
This cute little Wiki is maintained by April & Fenixe, the creators of this universe! You're probably here from some collection of art on some form of social media, looking to figure out more about the characters constantly being posted about, so - hi!
A complete index of every page created on this Wiki, regardless of current completion status, can be found [[Special:AllPages|here]]. An index of all Categories in which other pages may be grouped by can be found [[Special:Categories|here]].
Looking for a place to start? Visit our list of main characters at [[:Category:Main characters]], or use the search button to find someone specific!
Please enjoy your visit!
[[The_Elysium%27verse_Wiki:General_disclaimer| Disclaimer & content warnings - ''PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING'']]
[[The_Elysium%27verse_Wiki:Copyrights |Credits & copyrights]]</big>
== Frequently Asked Questions - ✧*̥˚with answers by April!*̥˚✧ ==
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WELL HERE'S THE THING - the Elysium'verse is not really a ''story'' in the traditional sense - like, there’s no real plot, there's no linear beginning, middle, and end - or ''point'' being made. Because it exists in the form of an active RP universe that we have been running since, uh... middle school... the "plot" is just Stuff That Happens. More specifically, a ridiculous amount of Exceptionally Dramatic Stuff That Happens. It's all outlined here! If anything, it's more like an endless soap opera.
The loose gist and its beginning roots is that it’s centered upon [[Macaria]] (“Maci”), Princess of [[the Underworld]], Goddess of the [[Elysian Fields]], and daughter of [[Hades]] & [[Persephone]]. Long ago she fell in love with and [[apotheosized]] a human mortal, [[Alastor]] (“Tory”). They married, established a palace in the [[Elysian Fields]] (AKA ✧*̥˚Elysium*̥˚✧), and began collecting a community of quirky friends to live with them, eventually becoming one big wild family. And there’s drama! Adventures! Couples! Villains! Babies! And on, and on! ''And on and on.''
===Are these characters from Greek mythology or are they OCs?===
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In summary, do not use any of this as a real Greek mythology guide.
===Are all of these OCs your characters?===
No! Good catch! The Elysium'verse very much belongs to two people!
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===Can I make fanart, fanfic, headcanons, cosplay, etc etc...===
YOU CAN ALWAAAYSSS DO ANY OF THESE THINGS just please credit back to us! ''Again these specific versions of these characters are OCs and not intended as public domain mythos!''
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Well... now, here! What's referred to as The Canon Elysium'verse, our source material, solely exists in the form of thousands and thousands of pages of private script-style RP shenanigans, and so this site will hopefully, FINALLY serve as the singular, comprehensive Published Content for this world.
Beyond this entire insane website, the adventures of the Elysium'verse isare publicly contained within what you see me (hi still April talking, hello hi) posting about - there has been plenty of art generated among the years for each of these characters and many of the events that have taken place. This art can be found across various social media platforms run by meee, these days specifically my personal [ Tumblr], art archive [ Tumblr], and [ Instagram]. In each of these spots, various liveblogging, infodumping, and unhinged rambling can also be found, where I generally talk a lot about our characters and sometimes canon events when/as they happen.
I am always thrilled to go through and answer any in depth lore questions that come up (I am known to ramble ENDLESSLY), as the bulk of the events of the Elysium'verse have existed hovering in my brain for fifteen years before being poured all over this Wiki site, as well as any other social media you may find us on!
===Are these G-rated stories? ♥===
Please enjoy your visit!
Jesus christ absolutely not. The subtitle should really be Elysium, Sex & Violence like that short lived Muppets show.
In all seriousness, this Wiki is intended only actually for an audience 18+ - please be sure to review our [[The_Elysium%27verse_Wiki:General_disclaimer|content warning page]] before proceeding!
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