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Immediately following Hades’ verdicts, Maci spiraled while she was trapped alone. Solitude had always been her worst nightmare but try as she might to escape it, the Underworld was fearful of the wrath of the King and no one would even speak to her. Only Hypnos tried, but she was terrified that Hades would retaliate against him, and against her deepest wishes she forced him away. So, left alone, she unraveled at the seams.
Meanwhile, the rumor mill of the Underworld was spinning. Although Thanatos had gotten off scot-free from his crimes, the news about what he had done to the Princess still spread, and his reputation did take a blow (though not completely – many Underworldians did not believe it could be true, or even loathed Maci enough to side against her if they thought it was). These rumors eventually even made their way up to Olympus. Due to the way Hades had chosen to handle the situation, there was also rare conflict going on between him and Persephone, and the rumors of this had reached Olympus as well. It was literally only a mere couple of months after this had all happened that [[Zeus]], King of the Gods and notorious absolute fucking psychopathscumbag, spied a unique opportunity. He shapeshifted to disguise himself as Hades and pursued Persephone under the guise of their reconciliation, successfully violating her before revealing the truth of his nasty trick. Devastated, Seph returned to Hades and their spat was promptly forgotten. Then she found out that she was pregnant.
The magnitude of this event was actually enough to briefly unite Seph, Hades, and Maci together as a furious trio, even despite all that had just taken place – Maci jumped at the chance to push back her own trauma and distract herself with her mother’s. Though Seph was enraged, she forbade Hades from retaliating against his brother and starting an all-out war, and [[Melinoe]], the daughter of Zeus and Persephone, was born that winter as an ironclad palace secret between the three of them. Melinoe’s appearance was strange – her skin-tone was stark ivory white on one side, and pure pitch black on the other. The plan all along had been to throw her to Olympus for the Olympians to deal with the consequences of their actions, but Zeus was disgusted by her clearly Chthonic appearance and refused to take her. Outranked by the King of the Gods, and then following the discovery of a specific prophecy from [[the Fates]], Hades and Seph begrudgingly agreed to keep Melinoe around. [[File:premelmel.png|thumb|link=|The "blank" Melinoe as a younger child, and Maci at this time.]]
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Two thousand years of Maci reestablishing her libido and reputation in her kingdom, dating many other random shitty people including the [[Lampad]] [[nymph]] [[Leuke]], and just generally becoming more ''Maci'' with time, would pass. And then... at long last.
=Beginning of canon content=
<small>[[Macaria#toc|(Return to top)]]</small>
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